June 27, 2010

My husband Hugh, night #6, still in critical condition.

I had a terrible night last night, and didn't sleep well at all. I was my worse today then I have been since the first day of the accident. It was a rough emotional day. I think because I was so uplifted yesterday around all my friends at the benefit yard sale most part of the day, then face "reality" today. I dunno....this morning I couldn't stop crying, and even Samantha came out to console me (I say that because Samantha is not too much an emotional person). My Mom picked me up and stayed with me all day, bought me lunch away from the hospital, which I needed which was a nice break.

Hugh is completely off the Versed, which is the "amnesia" medicine the nurses call it. He is pretty "snowed" just being on the Fentanyl alone (which is 100 times more stronger then morphine). They want him to show some "commands" like open his yes, show 2 fingers, wiggle his toes, etc. He has yet to do this.

HIGHLIGHTS: His fever is FINALLY reducing to 99.8/99.9 and that is after being on the cold water blanket thingy, tylenol, ice bags etc., for 2 days. His lungs are improving!! Meaning they are getting more gunk up and out.

Tomorrow is another day. My Mom has been an incredible support for me (as well as my angels) and I just can't bare the thought knowing she'll have to return to work eventually and leave me alone. She is my rock.

My Sweet Hugh. Today, the nurse told me I was not to "rouse" you only because your heart rate was going up dangerously high when you would be try to woken up/roused up etc. That was so hard for me not to do this. Sweetheart, I miss you so much. The minute I come home from the hospital, I am straight on my computer because I can't bare the thought of laying in that bed alone. The benedryl is helping me fall asleep faster, I've been taking 2 as you know, 1 kicks my butt. So 2 really kick my butt. Oh sweetheart, please please please get better. I keep telling myself I can't do this another day. Somehow I do though, and that is only because of my Mom, my angels, friends, Sam and Papa.
I took your robe and put it in Memphis' bed because he is depressed. I think hopefully this will comfort him. I love you so much darling. I miss you so much. I need you so much. Please hurry and get better. 

If you are so inclined to help with medical expenses, etc. you can donate by clicking the yellow donate button. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 


Anonymous said...

no words.. just continued thoughts and prayers for you, hugh and your entire family, including your angel friends ~ kim (heykim)

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayers to you and your husband as well - Mickey (@LockeDown815)

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