June 30, 2010

My husband Hugh, night #9, still in critical condition..good news though!

Let's start with the good stuff. Dr. Levin (Hugh's pulmonary doc) said IF Hugh's "numbers" keep doing good, they will start to wean Hugh off the the breathing machine, verrrrrrrrrry slowly to see if he can breath a little on his own and will start tomorrow!

His pneumonia is still full force, but they have a hold on it. His temperature is down to 100.1 or so and he is responding more to my voice. He still has not followed any commands though.

Found out yet about another broken bone, in his lower left leg, fibula something or other. At this point, I am asking "what the h#ll is not broken".

I was surrounded by love today at the hospital, and have one of my angels (Kim) with me tonight to sleep over. How comforting is that!

 Be sure to see my story here on the Gazette as well.

Sweetheart Hugh,
Today you heard my voice and reacted to it. I know you were trying to say something. I was trying to comfort you to tell you that you were being taken care of and when I said that Melissa, Greg, Andrea, My friends, Mom and Papa were looking after me, you started shaking your head up and down like you were happy to hear that. 

I asked you if you wanted to know what happened to you and you shook your head yes. I told you you were in an accident last week and had lots of broken bones, and that your lungs were weak and that is why you can't talk. When I started to tell you about your motorcycle, you opened your eyes and looked at me. I lost it. I had to compose myself and tell you your bike was OK and you kept looking at me like you were relieved. I hope you will forgive me for telling you this, because at the time I couldn't tell you that your bike is not OK. One of my "angels" Kim, who you have never met is with me tonight and staying with me so I am not alone. I let Sam spend the night with Kenna to give her a break. Honey, I miss you so much. I told you this and I felt you hear me. Here I go again, welling up, and crying as I write this. Goodnight sweetheart, I love you, I miss you, I need you, and I want you home so badly.

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Ghada said...

Hi Shelley, just caught up with all you are going through. I'm sending you a big hug and praying for your continued strength and your husbands recovery x


Stephen (Saybolt Carson) said...

Hang in there Shelly. Hugh will make it. We are continously praying for his recovery.

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