July 26, 2010

My Husband Hugh, night #35. THANK YOU EVERYONE

Tonight's blog post is a bit different. Not about Hugh's progress (well, a little, TODAY WAS ANOTHER GOOD DAY FOR HIM).

Hugh's Bite Nite appeared to be a HUGE success! I was and am overwhelmed by the generosity of the public and the graciousness of the owners of La Strada Restaurant, Marri's Pizza, and Naples Rib Company. Not to mention the hundreds of people that showed up to each location. THANK YOU EVERYONE FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!

I just can't begin to explain my feelings as how grateful I am. Just know I feel like I am in a dream state and still in shock about how generous and how compassionate people are. WHY ME? Why are we so deserving? As my best friend Melissa reminds me. "When you start feeling entitled, then you are not deserving". I will never ever feel deserving.... just blows me away STILL WHY this outpouring of love and support for us is happening. God bless each and everyone of you. I thank you, my family thanks you, and most importantly....HUGH THANKS YOU.

Dear Hugh,
Oh sweetheart, if only you could have seen the love, support and generosity of the people tonight! ALL FOR YOU SWEETY! ALL FOR YOU! I am so proud of you, and as I promised you. Here is your picture you were so proud of me to share with everyone.

If you are so inclined to help with Hugh's medical expenses and our mounting bills, you can donate to us by clicking the yellow donate button:

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