July 23, 2010

Hugh's Remembering........

Before I forget, I wanted to write about what Hugh remembered. He keeps telling me he remembers being in a deep dark icy place that he can't escape from. So cold, he feels like he was in a bowel of a ship, underwater. He cannot escape and it's like he is trapped in an "icy hell" as what he describes.

He also remembers being in tunnel that went on forever and ever, trying to escape.

My analysis:
I can only think, the "icy hell" was when he was covered for days and days under the ice blanket to help his fever. My heart breaks thinking he was laying there feeling this, in his coma.

As for the tunnel, well, you figure that one out............

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love hearing about what he can remember while in a coma. I believe his Higher Self was watching over him. Very interesting.

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